FTP Backup an Approach to Online Backup

Backups are a necessity in today’s fast paced world, as disaster can strike anytime resulting in the loss of important information. In this age of rapid development and the inter linkage between private and business sectors, information has gained great value. There are many types of backups on the market, each with its own unique features that offers the users a wide range of possibilities. Common data security methods include writing and copying data on DVDs, external and internal hard drives, or to just simple CD. Each of these systems does provide the user with ease in creating and duplicating files. However the limitations do outweigh this simple nature as each form has a numerical limitation, are susceptible to external conditions such as water damage or theft, and they do have a specific shelf life. To expand on the idea of backups, another possible approach is the utilization of FTP.


FTP backup is not a new concept as FTP (File Transfer Protocol) has been around since the mid 1980’s.

FTP is a technology built on a client-server architecture that allows the user to transfer files between two computers over the Internet.  FTP works with user based password authentication or it can work with an anonymous user access. FTP backup utilizes a dedicated remote server that will host the FTP backup files. FTP backup is often a good choice as it does provide a secure and reliable way to backup personal data.


FTP backup has the advantage of backing up data to a remote location. This property allows the user to store important information offsite, thus ensuring that should something happen at one location, a separate and independent copy would exist.


FTP backup is well suited at best when the planned back up files are small amount or the files are large and compressed.

An FTP backup is however not useful if the user wishes to transfer an entire hard drive as the Internet connection may not be fast enough or the FTP server may restrict the amount of FTP backup files permitted at a particular time as the FTP server may have specific regulations.  


To proceed in making an FTP backup , the user will need a few things. An FTP backup will require a dedicated FTP server, FTP backup software that is often referred to as FTP client, and good Internet connection. If you do not have access to an FTP server then one can easily sign up for one of the many free web hosting providers that will offer you an FTP server. The FTP software will allow the individual to access the FTP server. Just like backup software, there exist today many types of FTP software on the market. Some exist as freeware or shareware and others the user will need to purchase to use. Depending on the needs of the user and complexity of the software, the user should always examine the documentation and help files for the software to further clarify the usage of the software.