Generally speaking, business can be reduced to cost and revenue potential. Everything is a function of either one or the other. The production capacity of a manufacturing center versus the cost of operations and cost of goods sold is one example. In the modern business world, nothing ranks higher in importance or impact than an organization’s voice technology. A voice technology that unifies an organization and integrates the necessary communication features including mobile voice can add up to a substantial line item in a business cost. However, there are voice technology options that can actually provide greater benefit to unifying an organization while helping to reduce technology and operating costs.
The Cost of Connection
Often, the actual cost of voice technology is not tracked in smaller companies as a separate expense class or line item. If this were the case, the numbers would clearly demonstrate that a small or medium-sized business has tremendous cost savings potential through the adoption of new voice technology. Having made original investments in voice technology, many companies are reluctant to make a new investment. Introducing the benefits of green technology helps many businesses overcome potential objection, but that equates to only partial savings in monthly energy usage.
Common sense would dictate that businesses would in fact adopt new voice technology if it drastically improved internal efficiency and productivity, which increased an organization’s bottom line. Typically it is a small investment that results in overall increases in workflow, communication, customer interaction, time management, and cost consolidation utilizing least cost call routing and Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) connections. Staff has the ability to better respond to customer or client needs, offering a greater return on investment.
Green VoIP
Low or no cost long distance utilizing VoIP technology combined with company wide voice integration can seem attractive, but such technologies also helps to eliminate line costs and connections, again lowering a company’s cost of doing business. For example, calling your satellite office in Denver should never cost a dime. Your supplier in Texas might just be part of a network that would allow free calling, if you had the open Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) technology necessary to take advantage of it. The cost of electricity will drop, but the real savings will be the gains from implementing such a system and expanding your capacity in the process. Leveraging increased functionality and benefit in your voice technology should be the standard in any company or organization. Green technology, open SIP and VoIP technology allows organizations to succeed at a higher level in business.