Not only should you actively be searching for a new job in accounting by searching and applying to opportunities you come across but you must also facilitate the headhunting process by following some of these simple rules.
Explain what you do
When a recruiter calls you about a potential accounting job opportunity, you must realise that they may not know exactly what you do, whom you currently work for and all the information they require in order to place you. It is important to tell them about all your skills and experiences you have and follow this up by sending an up-to-date CV to them.
Speak to the caller
Try to arrange a time when it is easier for you to speak to the caller, especially if they have called you at work and it is slightly awkward. They will be aware that you will probably be at work around your colleagues so will accept short answers where they will ask you questions and you can simply answer with yes or no.
One contact
Always stick to dealing with one contact from the headhunting firm or agency. You do not want to cause arguments and problems internally by being put forward to an accounting job by more than one person in the same company. At least with one person, they will get to know you in more detail and work with you thoroughly to help find you a new accounting job.
Keep in touch
It is important that you keep in constant communication with the recruiter so you know where you stand with them. The more communication you have with them, the more likely you will be top of their list to help.
Keep your CV updated
Ensure your CV is keep updated on any of the job boards you have it on. By keeping it fresh, you will be more attractive to the recruiter and increase your chances of being headhunted for the accounting job you want.
It is important to try to be as friendly and communicative to the headhunter as possible to increase your chances of finding a new accounting job. By helping the recruiter, you will make their job easier.