Promoting your FeedBurner feed on your site

To promote your FeedBurner feed on your WordPress site, just use FeedBurner’s Publicity Tools to select a “chicklet” image to display a link to your feed from your blog’s homepage.
  1. Click the Publicize tab.

    A list of publicity-related services appears.
  2. Locate and click the Chicklet Chooser service.
    The form shown below loads into the right side of the screen:

    This form contains several options for buttons that promote (and link to) your FeedBurner feed.
  3. Click the radio button next to the button you want to display on your site.
  4. Copy the HTML shown in the bottom section of the Chicklet Chooser. You will paste this HTML into your WordPress site template.
  5. From the WordPress Dashboard, click the Presentation tab and then the Sidebar Widget option.
  6. Drag the text widget from the Available Widgets area to your Sidebar.
  7. Click the right side of the widget to expand it
  8. If you’d like to give this widget a title you can, but it is not required. This title will show up on your site.
  9. Paste the code you copied from FeedBurner in an earlier step into the content field.
  10. Click the “X” in the upper-right corner to close the widget box.
  11. Click Save Changes.
    After the code is saved, you should immediately be able to view your chicklet in your site’s sidebar.