Finding quality cheap domain website hosting has become a bit more difficult over the last two years as the need for hosting services has increased exponentially. Sure, there are hundreds of hosting services available but finding the one that provides your needs can be complex if you don’t know where to start. Here are the steps to take when you begin the search. Narrowing down the list of companies will save you a lot of headaches in the long-run.
Step 1: Determine if your site is going to be used for personal or business use. Business websites have a different set of requirements then personal sites. For example, e-commerce tools may be necessary if you are selling directly to the public. Also, if you need to drive traffic to your site, a set of SEO (search engine optimization) analytics are crucial for site success. Being able to monitor day-to-day traffic changes may make the difference between site success or failure.
Step 2:If you know what platform you will be publishing your site on (WordPress, Joomla, ect…)., be sure the hosting company you choose caters to that specific platform. However, just because a company displays a symbol on their website for WordPress doesn’t mean their hosting environment is user friendly. One of the biggest hosting and domain companies on the internet has a hosting service that would make the intermediate user cry for help. The larger hosting companies do not necessarily mean better quality or value.
Step 3:What kind of technical support does the company offer? Most companies now offer 24/7 support with U.S. based support personnel. If you enjoy multiple ways to contact a company, be sure they have “chat”, “e-mail”, and “live” support. If you are up working on your site in the middle of the night, that 24/7 support may make the difference between sales or not if something goes wrong with your site(s).
Step 4:Be sure you are able to host multiple domains on one account. This is now the norm for most companies. This one step can save you hundreds of dollars. By being able to host, say, five domains on one hosting account, you save yourself the expensive and headache of learning several different services.
Step 5:Understand how much you are willing to pay for quality services. Most low cost domain hosting services allow users to pay for a full year in advance so they get the best deal possible. Whatever your financial situation, stay within budget.
If you have more technical requirements then what is listed above (like unlimited bandwidth), call the company or email them to see if they meet your needs. Go out on some niche forums and see if others have a good experience with the hosts company you are going to use. In a sense, once you determine you are going to use a particular company, the “marriage” of your site to a hosting company is set. No one wants to get a divorce after one month just because “due diligence” was not done. Good luck!