Tickerfind has created a database of company stock symbols. It is fully searchable and available online. Our stock symbol lookup function is free to all visitors and exceptionally easy to use. There are thousands of companies listed in our database. We make the ticker symbols for these companies accessible to you anytime day or night. The results retrieved are accurate and easy to find.
How do I Search for Company Symbols?
We have a stock symbol lookup page right on Tickerfinder.com. You can find any company ticker symbol you need in our extensive database. All you have to do is enter the name of the company in part or in whole and get the results. If you enter the name of the company in its entirety, check the spelling to make sure your results are accurate.
There is no spell correction. So correct spelling is very important. If you do not know how to spell the name fully, you can choose to enter a partial name search. With this feature all you need is a part of the name. Once entered, all companies that have that sequence in its name will populate in your search results. Searching for ticker symbols has never been easier. Visit us online. Youll have your search completed in a matter of clicks.
How Did Ticker Symbols Come About?
With the inception of trading shares of a business publicly over an open market, there came the need to be able to identify each commercial entity. Every company that opened its shares up for purchase needed to have an identity. Stock symbols filled the need. Originally, these symbols were a mix of letters and numbers. Today, the standard version of these symbols is letters only.
Ticker symbols were used and transmitted along with price fluctuations via ticker machine on paper. The machine was replaced my radio and television. Even today, there has been another method of transmitting stock information faster and easier. We use the internet now to send stock data all around the world in a matter of seconds.
Learning the Different Symbols Used on Various Stock Markets
When you see the ticker symbols for companies listed in the paper, television, or even on the internet you can also tell which market those shares are traded over. Depending on the number of letters listed for the companies displayed, you can determine whether they are on the NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ. NASDAQ uses symbols that are more than three letters.
AMEX uses two letters as company symbols at the most. NYSE uses the fewest letters as the symbol for the companies listed on that market. So learning which stock market a company makes it shares public on is not as complicated as one may think at first. Use our stock symbol lookup option today.