Open source software is present right from the origin of internet which gives the chance to improve it and make people a part of it.
Usage of this software came into existence a few decades earlier and has attained much popularity, exposure and attention of the masses. You can say that open source software is created by the people, maintained by them and used by them. Usually users, programmers and software developers work in a combined a manner to create a specific software and then improvise it on timely basis. You can change this software, test and develop it also.
This software is contrary to the closed door software development which is developed by developers and bear high price tag. On the other hand open source software developers are not employed on salary basis so they work by self-motivation, thus users get the output that they have been looking for. The time required to develop it is also very fast as sincere and dedicated people work behind its development.
In order to extract the advantages of internet market open source software is developed. It consists of open source code that can be used by users when they require it. Here users have the power to make relevant changes in open source code if they think that its needed to improve it. Thus in this manner users make it sure that final program is according to their need. Changes that occur from using the source code are reverted back to the original writer and they can insert the modifications into official version. Many people get benefit out of this software as it can be found free of cost on internet and does not require any maintenance costs.
Even if you are not so well-versed in internet programming, you can publish and update the website with the help of CMS. So users can accomplish the task at their convenient speed and comfortability. Content management system has gained much popularity in recent times as best open source software. Options of display capabilities and built-in editing makes it easy for the user to use their website in desired manner. Here you can find large array of features that are high on usability quotient, you can use whichever is useful for you. As CMS is an open source system additional features and relevant components can be added to it on regular basis. You can find many websites online that have been created using open source software.
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