What is Yahoo Web Hosting?

This is the place where your website is actually stored and also the server from which the data comprising the site is transferred when someone visits it. Specifically, these two aspects of web hos...

Using HTML Tag Attributes

HTML tags provide the foundation for web page design. To provide more flexibility with HTML design, attributes have been defined for HTML tags to alter the behavior of any particular HTML tag. Ther...

Ways to Switch to Another Web Hosts

It is recommended to start the process at least a few days before the time runs out on the account with the present host if one has decided to switch his web hosts. This way website will not have t...

Web Programming

CGI programming is all about creating and using CGI scripts. In Perl programming, a CGI script is just a Perl program in a file that (typically) has the extension .CGI. Place CGI scripts on your in...

Concept of Shared Web Hosting

After designing of website next important thing is to get it hosted on the internet. The task is not at easy as there are so many companies offering various types of web hosting packages like share...