When it comes to being successful online, everyone (and their brother!) wants to be loved by Google. Google can do great things for you. But it could also be your downfall if you don’t take reputation management seriously.
Your reputation can “make” you and it could “break” you. You’ve heard the old adage…bad news spreads faster than good news. That’s especially true online! If you don’t want to lose out on all the time, effort, and money you’re investing in your online reputation, you’ll want to create a strategy that helps you maximise Google and the other search engines so that your target customers read great things when they look you up AND so that you can quickly thwart negativity before it goes viral and hurts your bottom line.
Here are three tips to help you with your reputation management:
1. Use popular social media Platforms
The Big 4: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube can be very useful. Creating profiles on these sites, optimizing them for search engines and for your target customer is important. Don’t waste time creating a pile of profiles. Start with one “good” profile on each of the Big 4 social media sites and they can provide you with some great traction in terms of brand building and gathering business intelligence as well. People will find these profiles and if you use them well, your reputation will benefit.
2. Optimise your reputation.
Talk about what you’re doing well, about your involvement in charity, and be a good online citizen. Your clients and potential clients will see these things when they look you up. You can help spread the good news through press releases, syndicated article distribution, and social marketing, for instance.
Tip: Ezine is a very effective article distribution tool. And, it can be integrated with many of your online social accounts to help you with reputation management, building of valuable backlinks, and in increasing the potential of your brand’s message going viral through syndication.
3. Domain Name Purchases
Purchase several domain names that closely relate to your name and optimise them so they will help you dominate search engines for your targeted phrases with your own handcrafted content. You might choose companynamelocation.com.au or companynameblog.com.au and then populate those sites with blog articles that help you further your reputation optimisation efforts.