Omr: Technology With Senses

Desire is mother of all inventions. Craving to travel to long distances gave birth to helicopters and aero planes. Simple machines and pulleys are resulted to lower the efforts of the men. So craving of men gave way to many things which are harnessing them in many tedious task. The coupling of men’s brain and cutting edge technology have given birth to certain things which are can never be thought of.

Technology is revamped so much that it has now also stimulated the non living things. If God has created us then men have created certain equipments which have lend great vitality in our daily routine. Computer scanning is man made which is able optically track images, texts, handwriting and objects into digital form. Men minds have also given mind to electronic device, scanner, which is capable of tracking things.

This scanning is being utilized on huge level and with great reviving in this technology the introduction of optical mark recognition or just OMR came into being. This electronic mind is capable of sensing the human marked data in the document forms such as surveys and test papers. The OMR scanner throws the light beam on to the paper and the reflectivity at predetermined positions is then used to check the filled areas as less light is reflected by them when compared to other blank areas on the paper.

Today almost every institute and organization make use of OMR paper. Many entrance forms and papers make use of OMR papers having bubbles which are to be darkened for correct answer. The bubbles are to be filled using pens or pencils. These marks are completely documented and scanned which are then compared to template to check the answers provided.

OMR softwares are used as they provide great installation flexibility and great scope of use. Where as OMR scanners only make use of transoptic paper. But use of OMR software can be worked beyond this limitation, one can create own documents using word processor and use of OMR papers can be over looked.

There are three efficacies on which OMR software assessments are carried on. ID bar code is the unique code which categorize one user from another. While the bubbles or segments which are darkened by the users are also scrutinized by softwares. The informations are personalized by TVR using information from the data base.

Use of OMR technology is not just viable idea, but also invite time saving, improved data capturing accuracy with cost effective budget. The use of OMR software have given scope to try out various options like different types of questions can be asked which give the broader platform to ponder over and more strategies can be applied to make things better and best.