We are now heading towards the end of April and most people really do not feel that spring has arrived and is truly in the air. You can almost taste and feel summer fast approaching with many things to offer us. It’s time to get out of debt and start living a debt free life. We are all looking forward to our summer vacation as sunlight lifts our spirits. During the summer months we really enjoy the hours we spend in the open; in the garden, and in anticipation of the upcoming nice weather. We want to make our gardens as beautiful as possible. People enjoy looking at glossy brochures, take vacations and feel so alive that that they almost feel the sun, the foreign taste of wonderful food , and excellent wines. We want to really make the most of every minute of this year, possibly more than ever. In the last three years, most people have faced hardships and as a result they have been very depressed. Now things are returning to the way it once was, and even our overtime at work has been restored. However, even though your income has returned to normal, your garden has shown improvement, you’ve enjoyed holidays, all of these things cost money and create debt. So, why not look at debt consolidation, as a way to pay off your bills and allow you to enjoy your life and your dreams.