Toothbrush technology has been all over the place for many years. Electric toothbrushes have been around for a long time now, and that technology has morphed from simple electric movement to sonic movement. Even toothbrush bristles have gone from nylon to silicone.
Now, Nest Brush is bringing a few more tricks to its toothbrush in the form of a self-dispensing module and UV-C light. These added technologies aren’t extremely new, but the way Nest Brush puts the whole packages together is intriguing.
The company says the self-dispensing portion of the toothbrush will dispense the correct portion and last for one month. The head of the Nest Brush is silicone, something I’ve never used before in a toothbrush, but I am curious to know how well it works.
The UV-C portion of the whole package is in the stand. After you’re done brushing and cleaning the Nest Brush off, it gets placed in the UV-C stand where the UV light is supposed to kill the germs and bacteria left behind from rinsing the toothbrush off. Check out the video below.
The Nest Brush patent-pending toothpaste delivery system does not need electricity or a battery to dispense the toothpaste.
You’re good to go for a month of traveling, without worrying about toothpaste or sterilization, with its built-in 30ml (1 fl. oz.) refillable toothpaste container in its silicone handle.
Whether at home or at work, all you need is a single push, and you can squeeze a perfect-sized drop of toothpaste at the center of its silicone bristles.
This is Nest Brush. The only refillable manual toothbrush with a self-dispensing system, UV-C sterilization, and ergonomic design making it easy to keep your teeth professionally clean while traveling or at home.
Nest Brush
You can find the Nest Brush on Kickstarter. We’ve recently heard about several that we’ve written about that have failed or are having issues. Our reporting on crowdfunding campaigns does not mean we support or are affiliated with them. Support at your own risk.